Online Nikah Procedure for UAE

The procedure for getting an online Nikah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) may vary depending on the specific requirements of each emirate. However, in general, the following steps may be involved:

Contact the relevant authorities: Contact the marriage section of the Department of Justice or the relevant authority in the emirate where you reside. They will provide you with the necessary forms and instructions for completing the online Nikah process.

Submit required documents: Submit the necessary documents, such as your passport, Emirates ID, and birth certificate, to the relevant authorities. You may also be required to submit proof of residence and a certificate of good conduct.

Attend an online counseling session: Many emirates require couples to attend an online counseling session before getting married. This session is typically conducted by a marriage counselor and is designed to help couples understand the responsibilities and expectations of marriage.

Perform the online Nikah ceremony: The get more info online Nikah ceremony will be performed by a qualified imam or Islamic official who is authorized to perform marriages in the UAE. The ceremony will be conducted online, either via video call or through an online platform.

Register the marriage: Once the online Nikah ceremony is completed, the marriage must be registered with the relevant authorities. The couple will be provided with a marriage certificate and may need to submit a copy of the certificate to various government agencies.

It's important to note that The UAE government has not yet announced an official procedure for online Nikah, and the validity of online Nikah is still debated by Islamic scholars, so it's recommended to check with the local authorities and scholars before proceeding with an online Nikah.

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